Dialog & Friendship Dinner 2008


Niagara Foundation-Michigan (NF) hosted its Annual Dialog and Friendship Dinner in Eagle Eye Golf Club on September 21, 2008, in East Lansing, MI.  More than 200 distinguished guests attended the event. After the dinner several speakers, including

Chief Justice Marilyn Kelly,

Rep. Rick Jones,

Cooley Law School President Don LeDuc,

MSU Assoc. Provost Hiram Fitzgerald,

East Lansing Mayor Victor W. Loomis, Jr.,

shared their thoughts and feelings with the other guests. The MC of the program was Dave Akerly of WLNX TV 6.

The event highlighted the importance of dialogue between different communities living together in the United States. In his opening remarks, NF Executive Director Yasir Bilgin greeted and thanked the guests for their contribution to diversity and dialogue. Mr. Bilgin said: “We are here tonight to celebrate humanity, to build bridges of friendship, to open doors of tolerance, to share knowledge and beliefs, and to support each other in our mutual desire for peace.”

The attendees had also the opportunity to enjoy live music performed by Children’s Peace Choir.

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