Niagara Foundation is proud to host a workshop, titled “Rethinking Veterans Day” led by Rev. Dr, Zachary Moon. This workshop provides a theologically-grounded, progressive response for leaders working with military personnel, veterans, and their families. Strategically positioned near Veterans Day, the workshop will consider some of the issues facing our veterans while explicitly challenging community leaders to consider faith and care in their professional work.
CLICK TO RSVPIf you have difficulties registering for this event, please CONTACT Rana Yurtsever via email at [email protected] or phone 312-240-0707 Ext. 107.
Wednesday, November 15.
11:30am- 1:00pm
Special Middle Eastern Cuisine will be served.
Niagara Foundation-Chicago office
205 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 4240
Chicago, IL, US, 60601
Professor Moon’s research interests include pastoral and practical theologies, trauma studies, theological education and pedagogies, and topics related to military service, post-deployment reentry and reintegration, and military moral stress. Moon’s research currently focuses on the role of military chaplains and congregations in ministry with veterans and military families. Moon was raised in the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and is currently ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has served as a chaplain in multiple contexts.
“Theology is a constructive task consequential to real persons, embodying real needs and gifts, challenged by real circumstances. Theology without urgency, responsibility, and humility can willingly and unwillingly perpetuate violence, dehumanization, and destruction. Those preparing for ministry should consider such a calling to be both sacred and dangerous, and critically important to the future of our world. A proliferating multitude of public spaces and discourses fraught with moral, religious, and spiritual significance demand our attention and engagement.”