Fethullah Gulen has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Leeds Metropolitan University

Fethullah Gülen, Fethullah Gulen, Gülen Movement, Gulen Movement, Hizmet Movement, Gulen, Gülen
Fethullah Gülen

Turkish Muslim scholar, educator and peace activist, M. Fethullah Gülen, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Leeds Metropolitan at the University’s Summer Graduation celebrations for his contribution to education, peace making and intercultural dialogue.

Through his teachings and work, Fethullah Gulen has initiated and inspired a transnational civil society movement to invest in education and dialogue which aims to contribute towards durable peace and greater understanding. Gülen has developed a readership and following amongst those of other backgrounds, religions and no religion, demonstrating that his teachings and work are received as universal.


Fethullah Gülen, rooted in mainstream Islam, offers an inclusive and human-centred reading of Islam. He is committed to dialogue, the serving of all humanity and condemning any and every form of violence and terrorism that seeks to divide humankind.

Ozcan Keles, Executive Director of the Dialogue Society charity, accepted the honorary doctorate in Education on Fethullah Gulen‘s behalf from the University’s Innovation North Faculty. M. Fethullah Gülen lives in Pennsylvania, USA.

Who is Fethullah Gulen ?

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