1st Annual Dinner of Abrahamic Traditions


Niagara Foundation of Minnesota and Bosphorous Dialogue Association hosted together about 80 people from different faiths and cultures. The program started with opening remarks and welcome speech by Murat Ergen, the director of Niagara Foundation of Minnesota.

The guests knew each other while tasting delicious Turkish foods. After the dinner, three distinguished speakers from different faiths talked about the concept of hospitality in Abrahamic traditions and prayed for peace around the world. The program continued by watching the video clip about the hospitality of Prophet Abraham and participating an open discussion with tea and desert. The program finished with closing remarks by Rasim A. Kahraman, vice president of Bosphorus Dialogue Association.

Theme: Perspectives on Abrahamic Traditions: Hospitality

January 22, 2009
6:30 PM

North Star Ballroom
2017 Buford Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108

David Smith
Professor, University of St. Thomas

Rabbi Dworsky
Associate Chaplain, Carleton College Chapel

Yasir Bilgin
Director, Niagara Foundation of Michigan

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