Abrahamic Dinner 2007


The 1st Annual Dinner of Abrahamic Traditions is being organized by NF- Indiana in 2008 to bring the believers of the three Abrahamic religions together to strengthen the dialogue and friendship and to celebrate their shared history, values and traditions.

The clergy of different churches and synagogues, academicians from several universities, colleges and seminaries, the leaders of many charitable and civic organizations attended the dinner.

NF-Indiana believes that in our world where religion is often alleged to be a factor in fomenting division and violence, the importance of interreligious understanding and collaboration is all the more urgent. Since the three Abrahamic Religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – come from the same root, have almost the same essentials, and are nourished from the same source, the commonalities and many shared values among these traditions should be brought up front.

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