April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The latest news, updates and events from the Niagara Foundation headquarters in Chicago. We encourage you to join our effort to connect the global community by sharing this e-mail with your friends and colleagues!

“Every religious tradition needs a Fethullah Gulen.” Recipients of Niagara’s Fethullah Gulen Award react to Gulen’s Time 100 list recognition. > Read more here.

Intern Spotlight:

Niagara Intern Miata Phelan has an eye for marketing and an ear for hip-hop. > Read her story here.

Heard at the last Niagara Forum:

We need to raise more awareness about human trafficking at our city council meetings.”

– Alderman Robert Fioretti, during the Q&A after the panel discussion on human trafficking.

Upcoming Events:

Summer Internships

We are looking for polished, global-minded students for openings in social media, reporting and HR.

(Read more & Apply Here)

Boston Marathon Bombing

Niagara sends condolences and prayers to families, victims

(Continued here)

Looking Ahead:

Keep an eye out for a special edition of The Falls regarding our new membership program, the Blue Dot Network.


Phone: (312) 240-0707

Promoting global fellowship.

The views and opinions expressed on The Falls are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Niagara Foundation, its staff, other authors, members, partners, or sponsors.