Islam, Social Change and the Role of Women in the Hizmet Movement


Islam is often in the news but Muslim voices are rarely heard on the topics covered.

Most Americans associate Islam with terrorism and war, and/or view Muslims primarily through the lens of sensational media headlines. This program seeks to offer perspectives on Muslim activism for peace and social change by showcasing an example of the Hizmet movement. The four panelists will address various aspects of the role women play as part of this global Muslim movement.



Tuesday, April 5
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM


Department of History
Eisenberg Room

3rd floor of Sensenbrenner Hall, 202A
1103 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201

4:00 – 5:00: Presentation by Panelists
5:00 – 5:30: Round Table Discussion
5:30 – 6:30: Dinner
6:30: Adjourn

Margaret J Rausch, Ph.D.,
Rockhurst University

Ayse Cinar
Vice President
Niagara Foundation

Buket Aydas
Ph.D. Candidate at UWM

Hakan Berberoglu
Vice President
Niagara Foundation

  • Edward D. Simmons Religious Commitment Fund
  • Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality
  • Niagara Foundation
  • Campus Ministry at Marquette University

The Hizmet or “Gulen” movement as it is popularly known, is a transnational civil society initiative that advocates for the ideals of human rights, equal opportunity, democracy, non-violence and the emphatic acceptance of religious and cultural diversity. Hizmet participants are inspired by the ideas and teachings of the Turkish-American Islamic scholar, preacher and social advocate, Mr. Fethullah Gulen. Over the course of the last four decades he has inspired millions of men and women around the world to dedicate themselves to service (actual meaning of “Hizmet”) to others.

The Hizmet movement views “service” in the broadest sense of the term. It includes service to others in the social / humanitarian sense as is evident from the numerous institutions operated by members and affiliates that serve the poor and underprivileged members of the community. Hizmet participants are also keen on education as key to empowerment of the individual who then can go on to become a productive and responsible member of his/her society. Hizmet affiliated schools (elementary through university) can be found in over 160 countries throughout the world. Hizmet participants also organize activities to promote intercultural and interfaith dialogue within their local communities.

The views and opinions expressed on The Falls are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Niagara Foundation, its staff, other authors, members, partners, or sponsors.